Have a project you can’t complete in house or need a subject matter expert for? ÀÇÓѸ£Àû provides access to strictly contract or milestone-based talent solutions.
Our network of candidates and in-house consultants are available on a contract to hire basis for you if preferred.
At ÀÇÓѸ£Àû, we understand that not all roles are created equal. Our approach to recruiting is tailored to your specific talent requirements – from startups in stealth mode, to the largest corporations on earth. Through our 360° Recruiting Process we take on full ownership of the talent life cycle so that you don’t have to. We do not want to be everything to everybody, we want to be the very best at what we do. Our vertical market specialization allows us to take care of the identification, attraction, and execution of an in-house technical interview so that you don’t have to! By partnering with the best cybersecurity technology companies in the industry and our in-house talent team we have an unmatched recruiting resource. Our 360° Recruiting Process provides a proven method vs. madness-Where other firms might deliver a stack of resumes, we deliver candidates curated to the unique requirements of your organization.
We seek to first understand and then solve unique customer problems. We collaborate with you to define your needs and understand the dynamics of the roles you are trying to fill.
Once we understand your hiring goals, we access our network of qualified candidates. We focus on aggressive outreach and specific targeting.
Our recruiting and engineering team collaborate together to evaluate potential submittals technically and culturally so that you don't have to.
We develop a candidate profile on recruits that pass the ÀÇÓѸ£Àû evaluation and set up interview introductions.
ÀÇÓѸ£Àû makes the hiring process seamless for you. We take care of all reference checks. HR paperwork and ongoing benefit support for our clients.
We have a continuous commitment to successful placements and employee retention.
Download the latest Security Solutions PDF Overview.
Download the latest DevSecOps PDF Overview.